Government of Qatar recruiting experienced Indian professionals for Qatar Navay.
Recruitment is conducted through a third party- Anjum Travels Mumbai at Kochi through direct interview on January 26,27- 2018
Latest Vacancies at Qatar Navy for Indians 2018
Seamanship Instructors
Plotter and Radar Instructor
Fire Fighting and Damage control Instructor
Mechanical Engineers/ Technicians
Electrical Engineers/ Technicians
Electronics Engineers/ Technicians
Weapon Engineers/ Technicians
Latest Qatar Government Jobs 2018 in Qatar Navy requirements:
Candidates should have degree/ diploma in respective disciplines with more than 5 years relavant marine experience.
Age should be less than 40 years.
Preferance to Indian Navy candidates.
How to get Jobs in Qatar Navy for Indians?
Eligible interested candidates can attend the interview at following location.
Venue: Hotel holiday Inn, By Pass Road, Vennala- Kochi.
Date: 26, 27- January - 2018.
For More Details, Contact Anjum Travels- Mumbai- Tel: 26765786, 42701786, 7021205155. Email:
Recruitment is conducted through a third party- Anjum Travels Mumbai at Kochi through direct interview on January 26,27- 2018
Latest Vacancies at Qatar Navy for Indians 2018
Seamanship Instructors
Plotter and Radar Instructor
Fire Fighting and Damage control Instructor
Mechanical Engineers/ Technicians
Electrical Engineers/ Technicians
Electronics Engineers/ Technicians
Weapon Engineers/ Technicians
Latest Qatar Government Jobs 2018 in Qatar Navy requirements:
Candidates should have degree/ diploma in respective disciplines with more than 5 years relavant marine experience.
Age should be less than 40 years.
Preferance to Indian Navy candidates.
How to get Jobs in Qatar Navy for Indians?
Eligible interested candidates can attend the interview at following location.
Venue: Hotel holiday Inn, By Pass Road, Vennala- Kochi.
Date: 26, 27- January - 2018.
For More Details, Contact Anjum Travels- Mumbai- Tel: 26765786, 42701786, 7021205155. Email:
Enjoy your job hunt... And get placed at right space.. All the best wishes